Información útil

What are footprinting and fingerprinting?

With every action we take on the Internet, we leave what is called a digital footprint. This footprint is virtually impossible to eliminate entirely. In this article, we explain what footprinting and fingerprinting are and how cybercriminals can use these two techniques to gain access to critical company data.

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Success stories

Controlled hacking of an ESA satellite

For the first time, a European Space Agency satellite has been hacked in a controlled simulation which helped the ESA find vulnerabilities in the satellite’s systems.

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Información útil

What is egosurfing and how to practice it properly in our company?

We have all searched ourselves in the Google search engine to see what came up and think we are famous. However, when we grow up and are working in a company, and we look up the name of the company on the Internet, the threats regarding our privacy and authenticity of our company on the net increase dramatically.

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